This is the single video version of the series found on my YouTube and Vimeo channels, where I talk about the central role that praying in tongues should play in the life of the New Testament Christia...Read More
This is the single video version of the series found on my YouTube and Vimeo channels. Episode Timings Detailed contents and timing for each episode are below. 00:00:00 Part 1: Context I 00:28:08 Part...Read More
Modern theonomy was primarily the work of two men, Rousas Rushdoony and Greg Bahnsen in applying Van Tillian thought to first the socio-political sphere and then more broadly.[1] Bahnsen was to refl...Read More
As is well known to students of American history, the “Puritan Canopy” was a reflection of the New England Puritan’s desire to construct a society based on what they had found in the scriptures ...Read More
After starting this journey by returning to study for a BD in 2006, MA in 2012 and then the PhD at the end of 2017, I finally graduated as Dr Macneil this week! My thesis is about what makes philosoph...Read More
My blog has been quiet this year because I have been working on what turned out to be a 45000 word study on Politics, Church and State caused by the “chaos” in the Christian world regardin...Read More
First off, imagine you are a political visionary and have worked for justice and equality and finally get into power through the democratic process after a popular uprising and the sheer force of the ...Read More
This was my Masters thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in Studies in Philosophy and Religion. This was marked at Distinction level and my supervisor recommended I publish it. This is primarily a ...Read More
This is a reprint (with a small prologue and addendum) of an article I wrote for a previous publication which I feel is particularly appropriate as a response to some of the speculation in the Christi...Read More
Abraham Kuyper [1] (b.1837, d.1920) was described in a recent publication ‘as one of those rare intellectuals who actually led a popular movement. He thought it not enough just to articulate a wor...Read More
The purpose of this essay is to review and evaluate why we are where we are with the categories of Religion and State within the Humanities. It contends they are vague and arbitrary because of natur...Read More
John G Lake is one of the pioneers of the message of the early Pentecostal Church – the gift of tongues, healing, deliverance, miracles, raising the dead; that is, the full range of spiritual ...Read More