I have been wanting to comment on the two assassination attempts on President Trump for a while now, but finishing the manuscript for the book version of my PhD thesis has gobbled up all my time. In...Read More
Last week I watched an “Emergency News Broadcast” from Rodney Howard-Brown (RHB), which I thoroughly recommend to you as worthy of careful consideration and to which I will turn to specifically co...Read More
AUDIO VERSION AVAILABLE My wife is Japanese and frequently gets news items sent on from her Japanese friends. One came which had the headline “Japan drops all vaxxine mandates, places myocarditi...Read More
I received this appeal email from AFLDS, which I feel is so clear that it speaks for itself. I particularly refer you to the words of Benjamin Rush at the end of the piece. They seem perfectly fulfill...Read More
(The grammar and style might seem a little strange in this article as I have strained to avoid using the masculine and feminine pronouns to keep things as anonymous as possible) I have just had a supe...Read More
I decided to add substantially to this piece as there were significant developments during the week and to respond to some of the criticism. Steve Jobs is now turning in his grave Estimated 12 minute ...Read More
The case of baby Alfie Evans was in the news yesterday (Friday 20th April 2018) with the judgment from the British Supreme court to support the hospital’s refusal to release Alfie to his parent’s ...Read More