This is an extended essay by Dr Don Collett, I believe who is still at Trinity School of Ministry as Associate Professor of Old Testament (though I believe the seminary is now known as Trinity Anglica...Read More
This is the single video version of this talk, broken into 6-parts on my YouTube channel. This is a complex and multi-faceted issue, including some of the most forceful attacks against the Christian f...Read More
In this video I want to give an answer to that question generally by sharing my personal journey into philosophy that culminated in doing a PhD in Philosophy. I then consider why Christians specifical...Read More
The terms “fundamentalist evangelical”, “conservative evangelical” or most recently just “fundamentalist” are often just used as imprecise pejoratives. More precisely, the term “The Fu...Read More
(This was originally two chained footnotes I had to remove from my book to meet the word limit, the thesis with the notes in context, is found here.) Skinner presented his utopian vision in his novel ...Read More
On the role of churches during the COVID-19 crisis. A quaint relic of a bygone age Estimated 11 minute read In evolutionary theory a “vestigial organ” is said to be a vestige, an artefact, a relic...Read More
“Orality” is defined as “interaction with the world by means of the spoken word” and contrasts with “conceptuality” which is defined as “interacting with the world by means of ideas and ...Read More
I had the privilege of being taught by Professor Lucy Huskinson who is one of the top Jungian scholars. Her Psychology of Religion course was one of the most challenging (as she provided masses of r...Read More
This was an undergraduate essay for a Psychology of Religion module. I “wandered off the script” in writing this essay which was primarily supposed to be contrasting Freud’s and Ju...Read More